Using ActiveLook eyewear
ActiveLook is a technology platform for augmented-reality (AR) heads-up displays. CrewNerd supports all ActiveLook-compatible eyewear, allowing you to see your critical performance data in your field of view, positioned in a way that is "glanceable" but unobtrusive.

After pairing, your sunglasses work like a secondary display, meaning you only need to look at your smartphone or Apple Watch when using touch gestures to interact with the app. During your workouts, everything you need is right in your field of view!
To pair with your device, select "ActiveLook glasses" in the accessories section of the settings page. Then, turn on your glasses and press "Pair new device". CrewNerd will begin scanning for nearby glasses and will pair with the first device found. When pairing is complete, the device status field will show "Connected" and the currently battery level of the glasses will be shown.
CrewNerd will automatically attempt to reconnect to your glasses every time you launch the app. If you have an Apple Watch, you don't need to pair your glasses again with the watch. Your watch will connect to your glasses automatically when you run CrewNerd in "watch only" mode on your watch.
ActiveLook settings
On the same settings page, you can manage other settings for your ActiveLook glasses.
Display Brightness
By default, your ActiveLook glasses will automatically adjust the display brightness based on the current ambient light. If you want to adjust the display brightness manually, turn off the "auto brightness" setting and use the slider to adjust the brightness manually.
Display format
Five different display layouts are supported, showing from 1 to 6 data fields in the ActiveLook display. After selecting your desired format, use the other controls in this section to select the data fields that you want to see in each part of the display.
You can also choose whether to display the current time of day in the upper right corner of the display.