Using a Vaaka cadence sensor
The Vaaka cadence sensor is an accessory for paddling sports that provides the most accurate stroke rates possible. The sensor attaches to your paddle and communicates with CrewNerd via Bluetooth. An accelerometer in the sensor detects strokes based on the motion of the paddle. This is inherently more accurate than detecting strokes based on the acceleration of the boat, which can be influenced by chop and swells. This is especially true for kayaking since the stroke rates are higher and the acceleration of the boat is smaller compared to rowing and other paddling sports.

To pair with your Vaaka cadence sensor, select the device in the "Accessories" section of the settings page. On the iPhone, CrewNerd will immediately begin scanning for a device. On Android, press the "Start Scanning" button. You may need to move your cadence sensor to activate it. When you see the device listed on the pairing screen, press it to complete the pairing. CrewNerd will automatically attempt to reconnect to your sensor each time you launch the app.
When CrewNerd connects to a Vaaka cadence sensor, it will add an asterisk to the "SPM" label in the stroke rate field on the Row/Paddle screen. This indicates that your sensor is connected and providing data to CrewNerd.
Be sure to update your "Activity" setting to one of the paddling sports. Otherwise, CrewNerd will continue to use its own accelerometer, since the Vaaka sensor cannot be used for rowing. There is also an app setting that tells CrewNerd whether to count each blade entry in kayaking as a stroke or whether to count each left/right combination as a single stroke.